Faulkner, William. SANCTUARY.
New York: Signet Books, [1949]. Eleventh paperback printing. 16mo. This copy is inscribed by Faulkner: "William Faulkner, New York 5 Feb. 1950 Mr. Enoch." Kurt Enoch, founder and publisher of Signet Books, over the years amassed an unprecedented collection of nearly 2000 Signets, each of which was inscribed to him by the authors whose books he published. Other signatories included James Baldwin, Graham Greene, Saul Bellow, Vladimir Nabokov, Norman Mailer, Flannery O'Connor, Ayn Rand, C.G. Jung, John Steinbeck, James M. Cain, John Le Carre, Thomas Merton, Marshall McLuhan, Jim Thompson, and Martin Luther King. Fine. Pictorial wrappers
New York: Signet Books, [1949]. Eleventh paperback printing. 16mo. This copy is inscribed by Faulkner: "William Faulkner, New York 5 Feb. 1950 Mr. Enoch." Kurt Enoch, founder and publisher of Signet Books, over the years amassed an unprecedented collection of nearly 2000 Signets, each of which was inscribed to him by the authors whose books he published. Other signatories included James Baldwin, Graham Greene, Saul Bellow, Vladimir Nabokov, Norman Mailer, Flannery O'Connor, Ayn Rand, C.G. Jung, John Steinbeck, James M. Cain, John Le Carre, Thomas Merton, Marshall McLuhan, Jim Thompson, and Martin Luther King. Fine. Pictorial wrappers
New York: Signet Books, [1949]. Eleventh paperback printing. 16mo. This copy is inscribed by Faulkner: "William Faulkner, New York 5 Feb. 1950 Mr. Enoch." Kurt Enoch, founder and publisher of Signet Books, over the years amassed an unprecedented collection of nearly 2000 Signets, each of which was inscribed to him by the authors whose books he published. Other signatories included James Baldwin, Graham Greene, Saul Bellow, Vladimir Nabokov, Norman Mailer, Flannery O'Connor, Ayn Rand, C.G. Jung, John Steinbeck, James M. Cain, John Le Carre, Thomas Merton, Marshall McLuhan, Jim Thompson, and Martin Luther King. Fine. Pictorial wrappers